Benefits of Membership



Rotary members meet regularly and enlarge their circle of business and professional acquaintances. Our members represent a cross-section of entrepreneurs, executives, managers, civic leaders and professionals—people who make decisions and influence policy. We also have members who are retired from the above peer groups who add wisdom and depth to our club.


“Service Above Self” is our motto.  Club members have many opportunities for humanitarian service, both locally and internationally. Our members and their families pitch in to help with our many service projects. Rotarians regularly experience the fulfillment that comes from giving back to the community and making the world a better place.


Rotary was founded on fellowship, a cornerstone that continues to attract members today. Club activities, social events, and volunteer projects offer networking opportunities that build personal and professional connections.  Rotarians enjoy the camaraderie of our regular meetings, parties and working together on service projects. Rotarians who travel have friendly contacts all over the world through club visits. A Rotarian is always welcome at Rotary Club meetings anywhere in the world.  We have a terrific group of “Kingfishers” who are Rotarians in other clubs up north but make our club their home for the winter season.


Family is very important to Rotary on several levels.  Locally our families participate in our projects, enjoy our socials and are always more than welcome to our meetings.  The members of the club also become a “family” working and playing together and caring about each other.  Finally, Rotary International is a family and clubs everywhere in the world will welcome you with open arms.


Rotary is an organization of successful professionals. Team building, fundraising, public speaking, planning, organization, and communication are just some of the leadership skills that club members can exercise and enhance. Being a Rotary leader provides further experience in motivating, inspiring, and guiding others.  Rotary International and District offer excellent leadership training opportunities.


Club Events
Flags For Heroes Sponsorship Thermometer

Flags For Heroes 2025

$50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000

Thank You For Helping Us Raise The Flag

We’ve achieved our goal for the 2024/2025 Calendar Year: $50,000.00

Celebrate With Us
Club Leaders